
What is Telnet?

Telnet is a simple, text-based program that allows you to connect to another computer by using the Internet. If you've been granted the right to connect to that computer by that computer's owner or administrator, Telnet will allow you to enter commands used to access programs and services that are on the remote computer, as if you were sitting right in front of it. Telnet can be used for many things, including accessing e‑mail, databases, or files.

How to Activate Telnet in Windows 7 ?
Create User:  
  1. Create a user and set password

Installing Telnet:

  1. Open the “Control Panel”. By default, Telnet is not installed with Windows 7. It will need to be manually activated in order for you to use it. You can do so through the Control Panel, which can be accessed from the Start menu. 
  2. Open "Programs and Features" or "Programs". The option available to you will depend on whether your Control Panel is in Icon or Category view, but they both take you to the same.
3. Click the "Turn Windows features on or off" link. You may be asked for the Administrator password.

4. Find the "Telnet Client and Telnet Server" entry. In the list of available features, you will see an entry labeled Telnet Client. You may have to scroll down to find it. Check the box next to Telnet Client, Telnet Server, and click OK. 

You may have to wait a minute or two for the client to be installed after selecting it.

 Using Telnet:

1. Go to My Computer -> Manage

2. Go to Services and Applications -> Service ->Telnet (by following image)

13. Select Start up type Automatically -> apply -> start -> Ok (by following image)

User Add Telnet Group:
1. Go to My Computer-> Manage-> Local Users and Groups-> Groups-> Telnet Clients        

12. Add user by following image
3. Add user by following image

14. Type Telnet <space> Remote Server (eg. press enter

  5. Type n and press enter

16. Login using user and password

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