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We are committed to become your long-term, trusted partner. Our priority is not only to provide professional services and solutions but to become your IT vendor dedicated to meet your needs today and support your growing business needs tomorrow.

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We are committed to become your long-term, trusted partner. Our priority is not only to provide professional services and solutions but to become your IT vendor dedicated to meet your needs today and support your growing business needs tomorrow.

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We are committed to become your long-term, trusted partner. Our priority is not only to provide professional services and solutions but to become your IT vendor dedicated to meet your needs today and support your growing business needs tomorrow.

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We are committed to become your long-term, trusted partner. Our priority is not only to provide professional services and solutions but to become your IT vendor dedicated to meet your needs today and support your growing business needs tomorrow.

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We are committed to become your long-term, trusted partner. Our priority is not only to provide professional services and solutions but to become your IT vendor dedicated to meet your needs today and support your growing business needs tomorrow.

How to change the document root in XAMPP on windows ?

I have installed XAMPP in C drive on my windows. Today I thought I will move my installation to another directory.

After searching the web for couple of minutes, I got a solution that worked perfectly. Here are the steps you have to follow.
  1. Open the file httpd.conf from the location C:/xampp/apache/conf
  2. Search for DocumentRoot and you will get something like this
    DocumentRoot “C:/xampp/htdocs”
  3. Update the DocumentRoot to new location. For example, if you want to update the DocumentRoot to D:/www , then you will have the following line after updating the location
    DocumentRoot  “D:/www”
  4. Then find the Directory and you will fine something similar to
    <Directory “C:/xampp/htdocs”>
  5. Update it to new location like this
    <Directory “D:/www”>
  6. Then finally restart the Apache server using XAMPP control panel or manually.
That’s it, you are done. The DocumentRoot has been moved to new place successfully.

How to Solve XAMPP Problem Port 80, 443 in use by Skype ?

I’m trying to start XAMPP Control Panel, but I got these error messages:

Port 80 in use by "c:\program files (x86)\skype\phone\skype.exe"! 
Port 443 in use by "c:\program files (x86)\skype\phone\skype.exe"!

The easiest way to solve this XAMPP problem is shutdown your Skype, and restart your XAMPP Control Panel. But that is not a smart solution.

So how to solve this port in use issue? In Skype Options: [Connection] , there is a check-box labelled Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections. This is the root problem, so simply clear / unchecked it and save. You may need to restart Skype.

 Restart your XAMPP Control Panel, and the error message is now gone! Try to start Apache, and succeeded.

What if the port is not used by Skype, but by other applications such as TeamViewer? If so, then XAMPP have to use another port.

How to change Apache default port in XAMPP?
From XAMPP Control Panel, under Apache, click the Config button, and select the Apache (httpd.conf).

Inside the httpd.conf file, find line that says
Listen 80

And change the 80 into any number / port you want. In this example I’m using port 8080.
Listen 8080

Still from the httpd.conf file, find another line that says
ServerName localhost:80

And change 80 to 8080.
ServerName localhost:8080

Next step, still from XAMPP Control Panel, under Apache, click the Config button again, but this time select the Apache (httpd-ssl.conf). Inside the httpd-ssl.conf file, find line that says
Listen 443

And change the 443 into any number / port you want. I’ll using 4433 as the new port number.
Listen 4433

Still from the httpd-ssl.conf file, find another line that says
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
ServerName localhost:443

And change 443 to 4433.
<VirtualHost _default_:4433>
ServerName localhost:4433

Remember to save httpd.conf file and httpd-ssl.conf after you make some changes.

Now it’s time to fire-up our Apache in XAMPP Control Panel. If your doing good on editing those files, you should see that Apache is running and the port number has changed to 8080 and 4433.

Remove file extention from URL

আমি আপনাদের দেখাবো কিভাবে আপনি আপনার সাইট এর ইউ আর এল এক্সটেনশন থেকে .html , .php , .aspx ইত্যাদি রিমুভ করবেন।

প্রথমে আপনার কন্ট্রোল প্যানেল এ লগিন করুণ তার পর আপনার ফাইল ম্যানেজার এ প্রবেশ করুণ । ওখানে দেখুন .htaccess নামে একটি ফাইল আছে , এখন আপনি এই ফাইল টিতে ক্লিক করে এডিট বাটন চাপুন এডিটর এ ফাইল টি ওপেন হলে এই কোড টুকু জুড়ে দিন

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f  
RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.php [NC,L] 

এখানে খেয়াল করুণ $1 এর পরে .পিএইচপি আছে আপনার ফাইল টি যদি পিএইচপি হয় তাহলে এটা বদলানুর দরকার নেই ,
যদি আপনার ফাইল টি এইচটিএমএল ফাইল হয় তাহলে আপনি $1 এর পরে .পিএইচপি লেখাটি বাদ দিয়ে .এইচটিএমএল লিখে দিবেন , 
যদি আপনার ফাইল টি aspx ফাইল হয় তাহলে আপনি $1 এর পরে .পিএইচপি লেখাটি বাদ দিয়ে .aspx লিখে দিবেন।

লিখা শেষ হলে আপনার ফাইলটি কে সেভ দিয়ে ক্লোজ করে দিবেন তাহলেই হয়ে যাবে।
আর আপনি যখন আপনার ফাইল টি কে লিঙ্ক করাবেন তখন আপনাকে আর ফাইল এর এক্সটেনশন দিতে হবে না।

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