Find the root of given eqution using iterative method.

Consider the quadratic equation: 2X2-4X+1 = 0. Find the root of this equation using iterative method. Take initial value x=1 [Calculation up to 4 decimal places]


    $c = 2; // Counter Start Value Assign Here.
    $x = "";
    $x2 = 1;    // Initial value Assign Here.
    echo "X 1 = 1 <br />"; // Assign X1 Value Here.
    for ($i = 2; $i <= $c; $i = $i+1)    {
        // Simplify Equation Here.
        $x2 = number_format(((0.5*($x*$x))+(1/4)),"4",".","");
        $c++;    // Increment Counter Value.
        echo "X $i = " .$x2 . '<br />';

        if ($x === $x2) {
            echo "<h3 style = 'color:green'> Hello same value $x2 is found. </h3>";
            $c = $i-1;

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