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We are committed to become your long-term, trusted partner. Our priority is not only to provide professional services and solutions but to become your IT vendor dedicated to meet your needs today and support your growing business needs tomorrow.

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We are committed to become your long-term, trusted partner. Our priority is not only to provide professional services and solutions but to become your IT vendor dedicated to meet your needs today and support your growing business needs tomorrow.

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We are committed to become your long-term, trusted partner. Our priority is not only to provide professional services and solutions but to become your IT vendor dedicated to meet your needs today and support your growing business needs tomorrow.

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We are committed to become your long-term, trusted partner. Our priority is not only to provide professional services and solutions but to become your IT vendor dedicated to meet your needs today and support your growing business needs tomorrow.

What is the difference between domains, hosting and website?

What is the difference between domains, hosting and website?

There are three basic parts that make up any current day web site:
  1. The domain name
  2. The web-hosting, or server
  3. The site files themselves
The domain name is much like an entry in a phone book. Computers communicate by using numbers, called IP addresses, to contact each other, much like you use a phone number to dial a specific person's phone. If you want people to find your business's phone number, you want to be listed in a phone book. The phone book tells people looking for your phone number “Company A's Phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx” just as a domain tells people (i.e. their computers) “domainA.com is hosted on the server xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx” Without the domain, you would have to tell your customers “Hey my site is located at 123.456.789.123/~mysite/” instead of “mysite.com” You can see how, without a domain, having a site or hosting is impractical.

The web-hosting or server portion is much like the space that you rent out to have your business in. It's merely the space itself. It does not include furnishings like shelves for your products, just as the web-hosting account doesn't include a site for you to sell your products. Luckily, in the web-hosting world, it's very easy to furnish the space provided by your host, because you can install many framework applications through the Fantastico icon within your cPanel. Without the hosting services, you won't have a place for your files to reside, so your domain would then become like a disconnected phone number in the phone directory, and your site files would have nowhere to stay.

The site files are what your visitors and potential customers actually see - your products and services. The site files are the same as any other file you normally use, like a .jpg photograph, or .mp3 music file. Though, website files are also .php files or .html files, which are PHP scripts or html pages respectively. The web host (server) knows how to read these files, which explain how the webpage looks or instruct it to do a series of computations. These computations are things like figuring out what blog article it's supposed to send back to the viewer, or what forum post it's supposed to send back.

In summary, you have a site visitor, who goes to your domain name, which translates into your server IP address, then the server sends that user your site files, which their browser represents to them as a typical “web-page.” You can see that, without each of these 3 elements, you won't really have a “web-site.”

What is Web Hosting ?

What is Web Hosting ?

Web Hosting or 'Hosting' is a service provided by a vendor which offers a physical location for the storage of web pages and files. Think of a Web Hosting Company as a type of landlord, they rent physical space on their servers allowing webpages to be viewed on the Internet.

What is Domain Name ?

What is Domain Name ?

Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name microsoft.com represents about a dozen IP addresses. Domain names are used in URLs to identify particular Web pages. For example, in the URL http://wwwlukman.com/index.html, the domain name is lukman.com. 

Every domain name has a suffix that indicates which top level domain (TLD) it belongs to. There are only a limited number of such domains. For example:
·  gov - Government agencies
·  edu - Educational institutions
·  org - Organizations (nonprofit)
·  mil - Military
·  com - commercial business
·  net - Network organizations
·  ca - Canada
·  th - Thailand
Because the Internet is based on IP addresses, not domain names, every Web server requires a Domain Name System (DNS) server to translate domain names into IP addresses.

ফ্রী ডোমেইন অ্যান্ড ফ্রী হোস্ট এবং ফাইল আফলোড সার্ভার

ফ্রী ডোমেইন অ্যান্ড ফ্রী হোস্ট এবং ফাইল আফলোড সার্ভার
ফ্রী ওয়েব ডোমেইন এর নাম তালিকা

ফ্রী হোস্টিং সাইট এর তালিকা
৩। webs.com

ফ্রী হোস্ট ফাইল আফলোডার সাইট এর তালিকা

আপনার ব্লগের জন্য 404 পেজ

আপনার ব্লগের জন্য 404 পেজ।

সকল ব্লগার দের বলছি আপনাদের যাদের ব্লগার এ অ্যাকাউন্ট আছে তাদের জন্য নিয়ে এলাম সুন্দর 404 Error পেজ। আশা করি আপনাদের ভালো লাগবে।

১. প্রথমে Setting এ ক্লিক করুন
২. তারপর Search Preferences এ ক্লিক করে
৩. custom page not found এ কোড গুলো বসিয়ে দিন
<img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhIMZjeu1Oeuqf4Dd8Q0Kz85tB-opuvQ1YMCMCKj9DKLndpBhgCIFAn9fpgm8moDiG0mdAsTierFZBJFerFFi514s8IMUpktZbioS2VOxj3q4eVwhATz0XsM8r0okOBuxcoV7HD8YVzysL1/s1600/404-error-page.jpg" width="98%" />
এখন সেভ করে দিন। ধন্যবাদ।

Installation Wordpress

Before starting to install WordPress, you need a couple of things:
• A domain name and web hosting
• WordPress software

A domain name and web hosting:
The first step is choosing a domain name (for example www.mydomain.com) and web hosting. There are a lot of sorts ofweb hosting. In most cases the registration of the domain name is included with the web hosting. If you’re just starting withWordPress, then I advise you to go for cheap shared web hosting. At any time, you’ll be able to move your blog to another web host if you need more power. Examples of companies offering shared hosting are: Bluehost, Dreamhost and Hostgator.Of course, there are MUCH more web hosting companies, so feel free to choose your own.

If you’re building a professional blog or website for a lot of visitors that has to be fast, then I advise you to take a look atmanaged WordPress hosting like WPEngine, Page.Ly or ZippyKid.

For more information, reviews and speed tests of web hosting, please check my blog wpbrix.com/hosting/

WordPress software
You can download WordPress for free at www.wordpress.org.

Step by step installation
WordPress is famous for its “5 minutes installation” (sounds great, isn’t it?)

Step 1: Upload the WordPress software
After you downloaded WordPress and unpacked the zip file, you have to upload WordPress through FTP to your web hosting. Normally you don’t have to create an extra folder, unless you want WordPress to be installed in a subfolder.

Step 2: Start the installation
In your web browser, visit the url where you installed WordPress. In most cases this will be something like http://www.yourdomain.com.

Step 3: Create a configuration file
In this screen you’ll see next message:

 Click the “Create a Configuration File” button.

It’s possible that WordPress can’t create the configuration file. When you experience this problem, search for wp-configsample. php on your web space. Just make a copy of wp-config-sample.php and rename it to wp-config.php. Now try again.

Step 4: Welcome message
The next screen is a welcome message. It also reminds you to the fact that you need all the information you got from your web host.

Step 5: Fill In The Database Connection Details
In the following screen you need to fill in the database connection details:

The following fields have to be filled in:
• Database Name: the name of your database
• User name: the MySQL username
• Password: the MySQL password
• Database Host: by default this is localhost (only change this if you have anoter database server from your web host)
• Table Prefix: by default this is “wp_” but for security reasons it’s better to fill in another table prefix.

Click the “Submit”-button to proceed.

If you see this screen, your database connection details are ok:

Click the “Run the install” button to start the installation of WordPress

Step 6: fill in the basic information
In the following screen you have to fill in some basic information

• Site title: fill in the title of your blog or website.
• Username: choose a username. By default “admin” is filled in but for security reasons I advise you to choose another
username. This makes it harder for hackers to guess your administrator username.
• Password, twice: fill in a password. For security reasons, pick a strong password that’s not easy to guess!!
• Your E-mail: fill in a valid e-mail.
• Allow my site to appear in search engines like Google and Technorati: select this so your website can be found and
indexed by search engines.

Click the “Install WordPress” button after you filled in the needed information.

Step 7: installation completed

That’s it!
Click the “Log In” button to get access to the back office where you can manage WordPress.

Web host with a pre-installed version of WordPress:
As you can see, installing WordPress is very easy. But there are some companies offering web hosting with a WordPress 1-click-installation. This makes it even easier to install WordPress!

Another option is managed WordPress hosting. In this case, WordPress will already be installed, together with a selection of plugins. Examples of companies offering managed WordPress hosting are WPEngine, Page.Ly and ZippyKid.

More information
Check out the WordPress Codex for more information about the installation of WordPress: codex.wordpress.org

If you have a question or if you need help, check out the Offictial WordPress forum: wordpress.org/support/

Introduction of Wordpress.

What is WordPress?
With WordPress you can easily create and maintain a blog or a website.
WordPress.com vs WordPress.org
There are 2 versions of WordPress, WordPress.com and WordPress.org.
WordPress.com is very easy to start with. Just go to WordPress.com, sign up and start blogging. The basic version is free, but it will show adds to your visitors. You have to pay to remove the adds and to use your own domain name.

WordPress.org is the selfhosted version. This means you have to download the software and install it on your own web hosting / server. This might be a little bit more work but you’ll also have much more possibilities: there are a lot more plugins available and you can choose or create your own themes.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the selfhosted version of WordPress (= WordPress.org).

Why choose WordPress?
• open source software
• easy to use
• flexible
• used worldwide
• constantly in development

Open source software
WordPress is open source software. This means that you don’t have to pay for a license or you don’t have to pay to use it.

Easy to use
WordPress is easy to use. Not only it’s simple to install and to configure, you also don’t need any technical knowledge to
create and maintain the content.

Because WordPress is a flexible platform, it’s easy to suit your needs. The standard configuration contains the basics, but
you also can extend WordPress with a lot of interesting and powerful plugins.

Used worldwide
WordPress is used worldwide; thousands of blogs and websites run on the WordPress platform. Depending on the source,
it’s reported that 8 to 12% of the websites worldwide are running on WordPress!!

Constantly in development
A lot of developers work together to constantly make WordPress better.

Function Arguments

Part – 7: Function Arguments
In previous lesson you saw how we could send a single value to a function using a function argument. In this lesson we will send multiple parameters to a function. We will also learn about call by value and call by reference “call types”.

Multiple Parameters
In fact you can use more than one argument in a function. Example 7-1 will show you how you can do this.

Example 7-1: example7-1.c
int min(int a,int b);
int m;
printf("Minimum is %d",m);
return 0;
int min(int a,int b)
if(a<="" font="">
return a;
return b;

As you see you can add your variables to arguments list easily. We learned earlier that function prototype is a copy of function header with the difference that prototype ends with semicolon ‘;’ but function header does not.

Call by value
C programming language function calls, use call by value method. Let’s see an example to understand this subject better.

Example 7-2: example7-2.c
void test(int a);
int m;
printf("\nM is %d",m);
printf("\nM is %d\n",m);
return 0;
void test(int a)

In main() function, we have declared a variable m. We have assigned value ‘2’ to m. We want to see if function call is able to change value of ‘m’ as we have modified value of incoming parameter inside test() function. What do you think?

Program output result is:
M is 2
M is 2

So you see function call has not changed the value of argument. This s is because function-calling method only sends “value of variable” m to the function and it does not send variable itself. Actually it places value of variable m in a memory location called stack and then function retrieves the value without having access to main variable itself. This is why we call this method of calling “call by value”.

Call by reference
There is another method of sending variables being called “Call by reference”. This second method
enables function to modify value of argument variables used in function call.
We will first see an example and then we will describe it.

Example 7-3: example7-3.c
void test(int *ptr);
int m;
printf("\nM is %d",m);
printf("\nM is %d\n",m);
return 0;
void test(int *ptr)
printf("\nModifying the value inside memory address %ld",&m);

To be able to modify the value of a variable used as an argument in a function, function needs to know memory address of the variable (where exactly the variable is situated in memory).
In C programming language ‘&’ operator gives the address at which the variable is stored. For example if ‘m’ is a variable of type ‘int’ then ‘&m’ will give us the starting memory address of our variable. We call this resulting address ‘a pointer’.


In above command ptr variable will contain memory address of variable m. This method is used in some of standard functions in C. For example scanf function uses this method to be able to receive values from console keyboard and put it in a variable. In fact it places received value in memory location of the variable used in function. Now we understand the reason why we add ‘&’ sign before variable names in scanf variables.


Now that we have memory address of variable we must use an operator that enables us to assign a value or access to value stored in that address.

As we told, we can find address of variable ‘a’ using ‘&’ operator.


Now we can find value stored in variable ‘a’ using ‘*’ operator:

Val=*ptr; /* finding the value ptr points to */

We can even modify the value inside the address:


Let’s look at our example again. We have passed pointer (memory address) to function. Now function is able to modify value stored inside variable. If you run the program, you will get these results:

M is 2
Modifying the value inside memory address 2293620
M is 5

So you see this time we have changed value of an argument variable inside the called function (by modifying the value inside the memory location of our main variable). A useful example, Bubble Sort In this section we will write a program which sorts an array of numbers using a famous bubble sort algorithm. This algorithm uses a “swap” function which swaps values stored in two memory locations with each other.

Bubble sort compares each two cells of the array and if they are not in correct order, it swaps them. If
we need the array to be sorted in ascending order, each cell should be bigger or equal to previous cell
and the first cell should be smaller than any other cell. If we perform these compares and swaps for “n-1” times on the entire array, our array will be completely sorted.

Example 7-4 (Bubble sort): example7-4.c
void swap(int *a,int *b);
int ar[5],i,j,n;
printf("Array before sort:\n\n");
n=5; /*numberof items in sort array*/
for(i=0;i<="" font="">
for(j=0;j<="" font="">
printf("Array after sort:\n\n");
return 0;
void swap(int *a,int *b)
int temp;

The output is:
Array before sort:
Array after sort:

End Note
We have learned fundamentals of programming in C in these 7 first lessons but there are a lot of things we must learn.

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